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The patient exhibits seemingly normal behavior yet has committed the most heinous acts against her own family. The client is considered an extreme flight risk and a danger to all Staff. All Staff, please approach with caution.


The client Statement should give you a clue about her mental state: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.”

Hi, I’m Cecily formerly on psychotic I decided to have a new change of pace. I was new here at Psychotic Phone Sex. I got transferred from a maximum-security women’s prison up north, where I was doing a little time for “the incident.” Now, I have convinced them to send me to a halfway house. So here I am, in a place where I can talk about my life stories and all your fantasies, too!


I used to have a nice little family. Tall, handsome husband, 3 cute little kids… then something happened. I’m not sure what. I was reading a book about this crazy bitch that poisoned her husband and killed her kids, and something inside me snapped!


For months, I had visions of how I would kill my husband and all my sweet little kids. My husband was easy… he had turned into a sexless pain in my ass. One night, I got a babysitter and made a nice dinner. I lit some candles and put on the hottest little dress I own. I flirted with him and teased him all during dinner. When we had finished eating, I took his hand and led him into the living room. I think that’s when the Cyanide started to kick in.


It was quite amazing to watch… He grabbed his stomach, looking at me, all confused. Then, this nasty white foam started coming from his mouth… All that choking and gurgling. Then, before I knew it, he was dead on the floor, looking up at me. I closed his eyelids; it grossed me out, him looking at me that way if you know what I mean.


Within a few days (after the funeral and such), I came up with a fabulous plan to kill all my children at the same time. I didn’t want any jealousy about who got to die first; you know how kids are… We had a picnic at the park up on the mountain.


As we left, I stopped the car and drove to the mountain’s edge. I kissed all my babies and told them, “Mommy loves you!” I slipped the car in neutral, stepped out, and waved as they went over the cliff, screaming and calling my name. I think I came when the car hit the bottom and exploded! FUCK! That was hot! So, did I tell you I’m single? A widow… Do you have any kids, baby?