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Scout comes to us as a very unstable individual. Strung out on a vast array of recreational and prescription drugs. Scout suffers from multiple addictions; from crack to sex. Ongoing drug use continues to cloud her judgment when it comes to sexual deviance. She is, by far, the most perverted patient the Institute has ever seen. She has been found rubbing her genitals on everything and anything in sight to get her fix. Drug use has barely decreased since entering the Institute. She is continuing to use the orderlies as pawns in her game. Exchanging sexual favors for all the drugs a girl could want. All Staff, please approach with caution.

Plan of care:

The goal at this point is to take the taboo out of constant masturbation by forcing her to masturbate repeatedly. The most radical forms of experimental therapy are being used on this young girl. Her addictions are completely out of control and all other forms of therapy have failed so here at the Institute we will force her to stay under the influence of drugs and alcohol and force her to masturbate for hours on end until we once and for all break this young woman.