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Blasphemy phone sex is some of the hottest phone sex around. Admit it you know you love it. You are approaching the dark, breaking every commandment all ten of them. Admit it , You know you will like it. I know you will love it. Corrupting you in ways you never dreamed possible. This is because I am the one your parents warn you about. I will not deliver you from evil. I will hand you over on a silver platter. Leading you into temptation for thine is the kingdom, the power of sin, forever and ever.

Blasphemy phone sex

The first commandment you will be breaking on your path to evil destruction is- You shall have no other gods. What does this mean? It means that I will become your Goddess. You will worship at my feet. You will beg me to defile you in ways you have not thought of. Watch me eviscerate your most loved and cherished one for a chance to worship at the altar of my cunt. You must remember that a sacrifice is to be made to achieve true bliss. It is a wrathful, vengeful goddess that you are worshipping. Much more than what you are use to dealing with. That cock will know heaven and hell as you bury it in this pussy.

Now the reward of your cock being surround with this tight splendor. Gripping you like a Venus fly trap, gobbling you up. Taking all of you. Soul and all. When I am done with you, I will have force you to commit every atrocity imaginable. Every other commandment will have been broken; I will be your Goddess and Lucifer your God. You are bowing before us and offering us all you have, including your life. We will bask as you have sex with dead bodies for our enjoyment. I like it, love it. Beg for it. Therefore , you will break every vow to every religion but to the altar of the Goddess and Lucifer.

Think that you can handle what this demented bitch has in store?
Give me a call and prove it and I’ll show you just what nightmares are made of.
snuff, sick demented things that will make your skin craw.
Do you think that I am scary of course I am.
I’ll haunt you from tonight and beyond