web analytics

Conduct you agree to use the services per our code of conduct:

*You will keep all material provided to you through the services as privileged and confidential and will not give such information to anyone or use such information without the express permission of the person who provided it to you.

*You will not use the services to participate in any form of harassment, unlawful, immoral, or belligerent behavior, including but not limited to the posts of telecommunications, images, or auditory or audiovisual recordings that contain, depict, or suggest defamatory, malicious, abusive or slanderous statements, or racist, pornographic, lewd, or aggressive language or images, or promotes intolerance, hate or carnal maltreatment of any kind against any assemblage or specific person;

*You will not record, replicate, post, or distribute any auditory or video communications between you and other users or contractors of the services, including but not limited to any communications, images, or recordings you attained from the services or your use of the services.

*You will not use the services in any way that would be considered any of the following: infringes, plagiarizes, or oversteps upon the rights of any person, including but not limited to any copyright or trademark law, confidentiality, or other personal or patented rights, including other intellectual property rights; (ii) is fraudulent, misleading or otherwise unlawful or violates any law, rules, or regulations in the United States or any pertinent jurisdiction in which you use the services; or encourages or results in communications concerning unlawful actions or behavior such as making or buying banned weapons, marketing drugs, petitioning prostitution or violating someone’s privacy.

*You will not use the service to disperse, promote, or otherwise publish any material containing any solicitation for funds, or promotion or solicitation for goods or services. We will investigate and take appropriate legal action at our sole discretion against anyone who violates any of the above conduct, including without restraint, removing the offending communication from the services and terminating the user account of such perpetrators.